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Welcome, Anonymous
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Ban Details

Ban enabled: Yes
Player's name: Sol
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:216872
Player's IP:
Banning admin: Drunken F00l
Server that generated ban:
Map being played: arena_badlands
Reason: Excessive racism, chat spam, offensive language
Ban time: 9/4/2008 22:02:37 EDT
Expiration time: Never
Known aliases prior to ban: Sol
Extra information: Reported by Picklesworth:

I was playing the Arena Maps server for TF2 earlier today and a guy named Sol was being completely out of line.
1) Spammed chat with racial threats
2) Conisistantly using extremely offensive language and complaining every round.
3) Immediately came back in after a votekick only to spam up the chat with more racial threats.

We must've kicked him 8 or 9 times before people got tired of voting.

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