SourceOP is coming
Date: Tuesday, June 07 @ 01:52:57 EDT
Topic: Half-Life 2

If you weren't aware, I had put work on SourceOP on hold for quite a while. I had been fairly busy and I hoped while I wasn't working on it that maybe VALVe would improve their current plugin system. Well, that didn't happen, so I guess I will have to work with it and do what I can. Just recently in about the last couple of weeks, I've started working on SourceOP again. I've been trying to create it so that it is more user friendly than any of the other plugins I've seen. I've also included a feature that was supposed to be released with a newer AdminOP version, but never was. You can expect a release of SourceOP in about two weeks. It shouldn't take that much time, but knowing how I am, it could even take longer. I look forward to hearing your feedback.

This article comes from SourceOP - A Half-Life 2 Plugin

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