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Commands List
var strGenericHelp = "Hover over any CVAR or command, just as you did here, for information on that command."
var strCvarHelp = "For cvars you will see something like the following:
Type: string/boolean/integer/float Default: value CVAR Description
String CVARs accept text for a value. Boolean CVARs accept only 1 or 0 where 1 means enabled and 0 means disabled. Integer CVARs accept numbers with no decimals. Float CVARs accept numbers with or without decimals."
var strAdminCommandHelp = "For admin commands you will see something like: Users name: name Default access level: access level Console command: command Parameters: [required parameter] [optional parameter] Command description
The name beside Users name is the name you use in DF_admins.txt to deny (denyAdminCmd) or add (addAdminCmd) the command to the specified user. Default access level shows what level is needed for an admin to use the command (unless it is added with addAdminCmd). Console command shows the command that is typed in the game console to run this command. Parameters are the values that come after the command. For example, the command map reqires a parameter called [map]. So to run it I would have to specify a map after the command. I would do this by typing the command admin_map dm_overwatch in to the console if I wanted to change the map to dm_overwatch. Required parameters will be colored red and optional parameters will be colored blue. If a parameter is [player] this can be a partial or full name, user id, or SteamID."
var strPlayerCommandHelp = ""
This page is incomplete!
Put your mouse over commands and other text for more information.
- Default: admin_
The prefix for all admin commands in SourceOP')">DF_command_prefix
- Default: 1
Enables or disables credits')">DF_feature_credits
- Default: 1
Announces certain purchases and announces when they run out')">DF_credits_announce
- Default: 5
How many points/frags it takes to get a credit')">DF_creditgap
- Default: 1
Shows how many credits a player has on their screen')">DF_feature_showcredits
- Default: 1.0
Controls the position of the credit counter (X) (ex. 1 = far right, 0 = far left, 0.5 = middle)')">DF_feature_showcredits_x
- Default: 0.0
Controls the position of the credit counter (Y) (ex. 1 = bottom, 0 = top, 0.5 = middle)')">DF_feature_showcredits_y
- Default: 120
Sets the time god lasts when purchased')">DF_time_god
- Default: 300
Sets the time noclip lasts when purchased')">DF_time_noclip
- Default: 150
Sets the price to purchase noclip with credits')">DF_price_noclip
- Default: 100
Sets the price to purchase god with credits')">DF_price_god
- Default: 5
Sets the price to purchase a gun with credits')">DF_price_gun
- Default: 30
Sets the price to purchase all guns with credits')">DF_price_allguns
- Default: 2
Sets the price to purchase ammo with credits')">DF_price_ammo
- Default: 25
Sets the price to purchase health with credits')">DF_price_health
- Default: 75
Sets the price to purchase slaying another player with credits')">DF_price_slay
- Default: 10
Sets the price to purchase an explosive can with credits')">DF_price_explosive
- Default: 1
Enables or disables the grapple hook')">DF_hook_on
- Default: 300
Sets the speed that the hook pulls')">DF_hook_speed
- Default: 1
Enables or disables map voting')">DF_feature_mapvote
- Default: 180
The time (in seconds) that must pass between map votes')">DF_vote_freq
- Default: 2
How many times a map can be extended by vote. Set to -1 to disable extend')">DF_vote_maxextend
- Default: 30
How long a map will be extended for if extend wins the map vote')">DF_vote_extendtime
- Default: 50
The percentage of players required to agree on a map for a map vote to pass')">DF_vote_ratio
- Default: 0
Allows players to ask SourceOP for noclip')">DF_allow_noclipping
- Default: 300
Sets the limit on how many entities an admin can spawn')">DF_spawnlimit_admin
- Default: 600
Sets the limit on how many entities can be spawned by all admins together on the server')">DF_spawnlimit_server
Admin All Level Commands:
- Default access level: any access level greater than zero
Console command: N/A Parameters: N/A This is used only in the admins file. It allows the admin to start map votes even when the cvar is off, cancel map votes, and end map votes.')">mapvoteadmin
Admin Level 1 Commands:
- Default access level: 1
Console command: admin_lookingat Parameters: none This gives the admin information about the entity that is in front of him or her.')">lookingat
Admin Level 2 Commands:
- Default access level: 2
Console command: admin_timelimit Parameters: [limit in minutes] This command sets the timelimit of the map to the specified limit. The limit is entered as a time in minutes. You can also extend the timelimit by using +minutes for the parameter. -, *, and / also work. Example to extend 20 minutes: admin_timelimit +20 Example to set timelimit to 30 minutes: admin_timelimit 30')">timelimit
- Default access level: 2
Console command: admin_map Parameters: [map name] This command changes the map to the map specified.')">map
Admin Level 4 Commands:
- Default access level: 4
Console command: admin_reload Parameters: none This will reload the current map.')">reload
Admin Level 8 Commands:
Admin Level 16 Commands:
- Default access level: 16
Console command: admin_pass Parameters: [password] This sets the server password. Use two double quotes ("") for no password. Example to remove password: admin_password ""')">pass
Admin Level 32 Commands:
- Default access level: 32
Console command: admin_godself Parameters: none This command toggles god mode on the admin that uses it. This permission also applies to saying admin god, admin god off, and admin god toggle in chat.')">godself
- Default access level: 32
Console command: admin_noclipself Parameters: none This command toggles noclip on the admin that uses it. This permission also applies to saying admin noclip, admin noclip off, and admin noclip toggle in chat.')">noclipself
Admin Level 64 Commands:
- Default access level: 64
Console command: N/A Parameters: N/A This allows an admin to change the name that SourceOP uses in chat. This can be done by saying admin change name to & lt;name& gt; in chat where & lt;name& gt; is the new name.')">sourceopname
Admin Level 128 Commands:
- Default access level: 128
Console command: admin_slap Parameters: [player] This slaps the player specified causing them to lose some health and move around a bit.')">slap
- Default access level: 128
Console command: admin_slay Parameters: [player] This slays the player specified.')">slay
Admin Level 256 Commands:
- Default access level: 256
Console command: admin_ban Parameters: [player] [time] This bans the player for the specified amount of time and immediately kicks them. If a time of 0 is used, the player is permanently banned and not allowed back unless unbanned.')">ban
Admin Level 512 Commands:
- Default access level: 512
Console command: admin_noclip Parameters: [player] ["on"/"off" default = on] Gives or removes the player of noclip. If the second parameter is not specified, it will default to give.')">noclip
Admin Level 1024 Commands:
- Default access level: 1024
Console command: admin_keyvalue Parameters: [key] [value] Sets a key/value pair on the entity being looked at.')">keyvalue
- Default access level: 1024
Console command: +grabent Parameters: none This command must be bound to a key to work properly. When the button this command is bound to is pressed, it causes the entity that the admin is looking at to follow the admin until the button is let go.')">grabent
- Default access level: 1024
Console command: +copyent Parameters: none This command must be bound to a key to work properly. This works in the exact same manner as grabent except that it makes a copy of the entity first.')">copyent
- Default access level: 1024
Console command: +rotate Parameters: none This command must be bound to a key to work properly. When the button this command is bound to is pressed it causes the admin to go in to rotating mode with the entity he or she is looking at. When the admin moves the mouse the entity will rotate in the corresponding direction.')">rotate
- Default access level: 1024
Console command: e_rotate Parameters: [rotate x] [rotate y] [rotate z] This command will rotate the entity the specified amount of degrees per axis.')">e_rotate
- Default access level: 1024
Console command: e_kill Parameters: none This command causes the entity that the admin is looking at to be removed. Use with caution.')">e_kill
- Default access level: 1024
Console command: e_freeze Parameters: [ent id #] This causes the entity the admin is looking at or the entity specified to become frozen and unable to be moved.')">e_freeze
- Default access level: 1024
Console command: e_unfreeze Parameters: [ent id #] This reverses the effects of e_freeze on the entity the admin is looking at or the entity specified.')">e_unfreeze
- Default access level: 1024
Console command: e_drop Parameters: none This command causes the entity being looked at to be dropped to the floor, assuming it is not too high off the ground.')">e_drop
- Default access level: 1024
Console command: e_stack Parameters: [count] [offset x] [offset y] [offset z] This command will create copies of the entity the admin is looking at. It will create however many copies specified in the count parameter. Each entity will be offset the specified amount of cells from the last. If no offset is provided in one or more of the axis, zero will be used.')">e_stack
- Default access level: 1024
Console command: e_setent Parameters: none Sets an entity to be used later on for other commands such as e_addconstraint. ')">e_setent
- Default access level: 1024
Console command: e_addconstraint Parameters: none Adds a fixed constraint between the temporary entity set with e_setent and the entity that is under the admins crosshair when the command is run. The constraint is given an ID # that the admin can use later to delete it.')">e_addconstraint
- Default access level: 1024
Console command: e_delconstraint Parameters: [constraint ID] Deletes the admin created constraint with the ID specified.')">e_delconstraint
- Default access level: 1024
Console command: e_delconstraints Parameters: none Deletes all constraints created by the admin.')">e_delconstraints
- Default access level: 1024
Console command: e_spawnjeep Parameters: none Creates a jeep/buggy near the admin that ran the command. Note: This does not currently work in CSS and possibly other mods.')">e_spawnjeep
- Default access level: 1024
Console command: e_spawnboat Parameters: none Creates an airboat near the admin that ran the command. Note: This does not currently work in CSS and possibly other mods.')">e_spawnboat
- Default access level: 1024
Console command: e_spawncan Parameters: [flags] Creates a can at the admin's location. The following flags can be used: front, back, left, right, top, bottom, skin=, explosive, frozen. The skin must be a number 0-5. The skin number changes the appearance of the can. If explosive is set, it will make the can an exploding can (the flammable ones you can find in some maps). If the can is explosive, setting a skin number has no effect on the can appearance. The default is to make a normal can where you are looking. Examples: To make an exploding can behind you, run: e_spawncan back explosive
To make a can with the fourth skin on it above you, run: e_spawncan top skin=4')">e_spawncan
- Default access level: 1024
Console command: e_spawncan_square Parameters: [skin #] [explosive 1/0] This command works in the same fashion as e_spawncan except that it creates a 5 by 5 square of them with a hole in the middle where the admin is standing. This is 24 cans, so be careful. If you create too many, you could cause some player to lag out or cause a server crash.')">e_spawncan_square
- Default access level: 1024
Console command: e_spawnball Parameters: [flags] Creates a combine ball in front of the admin moving with him or her. They last for however many seconds is specified in the flags, but default to 40, which is significatly longer than the normal combine ball a player can shoot. These can be used for shooting around or adding to constraints and many other things. The following flags can be used: front, back, left, right, top, bottom, size=, life=, mass=, nofollow, frozen. The nofollow flag stops the ball from moving when spawned. Example: To make a combine ball above you, not following you, with a life of 10 and a size of 30: e_spawnball top nofollow life=10 size=30 Note: This command does not work in CSS and possibly other mods due to the combine ball being removed from them.')">e_spawnball
- Default access level: 1024
Console command: e_spawndoll Parameters: none This creates a server ragdoll at the admin's location. They are very network intensive and could possibly cause players to lag if too many are created. Parameters may be included in future versions of SourceOP to control what model the ragdoll is.')">e_spawndoll
- Default access level: 1024
Console command: e_spawncount Parameters: none This shows the admin how many entities are spawned by him or her, the total spawned on the server, and the limit for each.')">e_spawncount
- Default access level: 1024
Console command: e_removespawned Parameters: none This removes all entities spawned by the admin.')">e_removespawned
- Default access level: 1024
Console command: e_render Parameters: [render mode] [render amt] [render fx] [render color r] [render color g] [render color b] This sets the render mode of the entity the admin is looking at. Use -1 on any of the parameters to not change that variable.')">e_render
Admin Level 2048 Commands:
- Default access level: 2048
Console command: N/A Parameters: N/A If this permission is given to the admin, they can buy stuff at no cost.')">buyexempt
Admin Level 4096 Commands:
Admin Level 8192 Commands:
- Default access level: 8192
Console command: credgive Parameters: [player] [amount of credits to give] This permission allows an admin to use credgive to give players credits without costing them any credits. Basically it turns the donation functionality of credgive into a free gift functionality.')">credgive
- Default access level: 8192
Console command: admin_ammo Parameters: [player] This will give the specified player full ammo.')">ammo
- Default access level: 8192
Console command: admin_god Parameters: [player] ["on"/"off" default = on] Gives or removes the player of god mode. If the second parameter is not specified, it will default to give.')">god
- Default access level: 8192
Console command: admin_render Parameters: [player] [render mode] [render amt] [render fx] [render color r] [render color g] [render color b] This modifies the render effects of the specified player. Use -1 for any of the parameters to not change that variable.')">render
- Default access level: 8192
Console command: admin_exec Parameters: [player] [command] This executes the command specified on the specified player. The command must be surrounded in quotes if it contains spaces to keep it as one argument.')">exec
- Default access level: 8192
Console command: admin_execall Parameters: [command] This executes the command specified on all players inside the server. It takes the command literally, so do not surround the command in quotes like would be necessary for admin_exec.')">execall
- Default access level: 8192
Console command: N/A Parameters: N/A This privilege will allow the admin to use the whois say command to get the IP address of a player.')">whoisprivilege
Admin Level 16384 Commands:
Admin Level 32768 Commands:
- Default access level: 32768
Console command: admin_addadmin Parameters: [SteamID] [password] [access level] This is a quick way of adding an admin. Changes will not take effect until the admins file is reloaded (normally done on a map change).')">addadmin
Admin Level 65536 Commands:
- Default access level: 65536
Console command: admin_rcon Parameters: [command] This executes the command specified on the server. It takes the command literally, so do not surround the command in quotes like would be necessary for admin_exec and some other commands.')">rcon
Player Commands:
- mapvote
- hook
- say
- say_team
Copyright © by SourceOP - A Half-Life 2 Plugin All Right Reserved. Published on: 2004-12-11 (28884 reads) [ Go Back ] |