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SourceOP - A Half-Life 2 Plugin: Half-Life 2

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       SourceOP Downloads Available
Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2

Reads: 44818

Posted by Drunken_F00l on Sunday, September 16 @ 18:43:56 EDT

The SourceOP downloads are now available. Visit the Downloads page to get them. See the SourceOP wiki for help. Visit the SourceOP foums if you have any questions. For help installing, see the Installing page on the wiki.

(Read More... | 123 comments | Score: 3) |
       Release today
Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2

Reads: 22955

Posted by Drunken_F00l on Sunday, September 16 @ 15:20:29 EDT

I still plan on releasing today. I've been trying to make sure everything works OK with Fortress Forever. It's not perfect, but it's mostly working. Please report any bugs either on the bug wiki page or the bug forum. Besides a few issues with Fortress Forever, it should be working perfectly in HL2 Deathmatch, CSS, or DOD. My Half-Life 2 Deathmatcher server that runs SourceOP hasn't crashed since 7/24/2007 (and I fixed the bug that caused that crash) so that should suggest that it is pretty stable.

(Read More... | 142 comments | Score: 1) |
       Fortress Forever Release
Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2

Reads: 24603

Posted by Drunken_F00l on Thursday, September 13 @ 14:15:46 EDT

Fortress Forever has been released! I have put up two servers:

The first has SourceOP, the other one doesn't. Enjoy!

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       Release Dates
Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2

Reads: 25093

Posted by Drunken_F00l on Tuesday, September 11 @ 14:06:07 EDT

Fortress-forever has set a release date of Monday, September 17th. TF2 is set to release on October 9th, however a preload is now available. If you get the preload you will be able to beta test TF2 starting on the same date as the FF release. With all of this, I would like to announce that SourceOP Beta 0.9.0 will be released on the day before, Sunday, September 16th.

(Read More... | 129 comments | Score: 3.4) |
       SourceOP is ready for release!
Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2

Reads: 23551

Posted by Drunken_F00l on Wednesday, August 29 @ 01:27:52 EDT

SourceOP is ready for release. The only thing that is left is the documentation (yes, that's the first time I posted the link to the docs). Registering on the wiki is disabled until I get it finished. When the documentation is complete, I will make an announcement here and put a link to SourceOP in the Downloads section.

Also, in case you were wondering, what features the SourceOP installer installs is fully customizable.

(Read More... | 111 comments | Score: 3) |
       Snark Video
Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2

Reads: 29613

Posted by Drunken_F00l on Thursday, July 05 @ 21:28:40 EDT

Here's a video showing snarks in SourceOP.

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Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2

Reads: 28159

Posted by Drunken_F00l on Tuesday, April 10 @ 23:26:25 EDT

I'm still working on the new version of SourceOP. Progress has been slow because college is quite demanding. However, there have been many updates since the last version. Some of these are for admins only and some of them are for the players. I have some examples of new features in the pictures below.


In the top left, you see the remote administration program. Many features have been added to this program since SourceOP's previous version. The coolest of these is the map window. Both pictures in the top row show the map window. It allows you to spawn entities, watch players, and drag them around the map.

If you played AdminOP before, the screenshots at the bottom may look familiar. The radio has been brought back for SourceOP and is capable of playing MP3s and is customizable just like before. Server admins will be able to chose their own model for the radio as well. Also, snarks are back too. Careful though, they bite.

Also, if you didn't notice, SourceOP works for both CSS and HL2:DM. Don't forget to participate in the new survey on the right side!

(Read More... | 128 comments | Score: 1) |
       MySQL Mistake
Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2

Reads: 29537

Posted by Drunken_F00l on Wednesday, October 05 @ 20:23:53 EDT

I made a mistake with MySQL which has caused me to have to revert all databases, including the forums, to September 1st. Sorry for any inconvenience.

(Read More... | 119 comments | Score: 4.16) |
       First SourceOP Release
Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2

Reads: 57379

Posted by Drunken_F00l on Sunday, August 21 @ 20:00:21 EDT

Here it is, the first release of SourceOP. While it is a beta version, it has been tested on the official server and privately for weeks prior to the release. I'm comfortable that it will run stable and mostly bug free. Please post any bugs you find on the forums (crashes, minor bugs, typos, anything).

You can download it by going to the download section, or by clicking here. After installing it is recommended that you use the admin tutorial to set yourself up as full admin. The tutorial is only available on the first map SourceOP is started on and is only available once. The admin tutorial is helpful and prevents having to edit the DF_admins file if all you want to do is to set yourself up as admin.

Click here for help on installing.
Click here for help on using and setting up the SourceOP Administration Control Panel (Remote).
Click here for a commands list.
Click here for help on uninstalling.

Not including some of what you can see on the commands list, a list of features is as follows:

  • Basic admin commands
  • Credits and buying
  • Credits are retained through map changes and server restarts
  • Players have ranks based on credits
  • Players can query prices by saying "!buy stats"
  • Players and admins can get help in-game by saying "!help"
  • Players can view the length of time spent playing on the server
  • Basic entity manipulation
    • Moving
    • Copying
    • Spawning
    • Constraining
    • Freezing
  • Basic grappling hook
  • Map voting
  • New admin tutorial
  • Ability to remotely connect using the Administration Control Panel
  • Ability to increase maxplayers to as many as 128 players

Some features already planned to come in future versions (no guarantees):

  • Improved grappling hook
  • Saving/loading entities
  • More votes (vote for kick, hook, gravity, etc...)
  • GUI voting
  • GUI menu
  • AI manipulation
  • MP3 capable radio
  • Editing of both remote and game admins from the remote
  • Ability to turn off SourceOP with a single CVAR

Post release notes:

Click here for a list of known issues.

First SourceOP Downloader: Issues
First SourceOP Server: (The Black Box Deathmatch)

(Read More... | 114 comments | Score: 3.5) |
       SourceOP Control Panel Info
Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2

Reads: 21837

Posted by Drunken_F00l on Monday, August 15 @ 22:06:59 EDT

Well with the release due this coming Sunday, I thought you would all like to see a screenshot of the new SourceOP Administration Control Panel which you can view here.

Features pertaining solely to the remote admin control panel
- Private admin chat
- Server chat
- RCON access
- Player list/features
- Kick
- Ban
- God
- Noclip
- Credits
- Slap
- Slay
- Guns - can give a player a certain weapon.
- All guns
- View and search credit database

And of course, much more will come in future versions.

Comments on this may be done in the discussion thread.

(Read More... | Score: 5) |

How do you rate the beta release of SourceOP?

Excellent 5/5
Good 4/5
Fair 3/5
Bad 2/5 (Please leave suggestions)
Terrible 1/5 (Please leave suggestions)


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Comments: 52
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